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Personal Statement writing
A personal statement is a short (usually up to 800 words) essay in which you are asked to reflect on why you are the best candidate for the course you are applying to. These pieces are read by experienced admissions officers and lecturers in your subject. You get only one chance to make your first impression - and in case of personal statement, this is the only one that's going to count.

You may be crazy talented and have a lot to say, even more to accomplish if accepted, but how do you fit all that into 800 words, especially if writing is not something you are particularly good at? They say: "write it yourself" and "no one knows you better than you" - that seems to make sense. And yet, between two essays, yours might not be picked, because it will not be structured according to the ideals of the people reading it, or something crucial might be missing.
Why get personal statement service?
The college of your choosing wants to make sure you are truly the best fit for the course selected. They expect you to demonstrate that you're passionate about the subject, but also that you took some time writing your piece, thinking it through, making it enjoyable to read and useful for the admissions office. You need to make it clear you've got the skill set that will make you a great academic and a valuable member of the student community. And if you are having even a shadow of doubt about your abilities, seeking professional help is the smartest solution. We will make sure your personal statement gets you accepted into the college of your dreams.
How we can help you with personal statement?
Our help with this type of paper involves the following steps:

- You submit a request for, giving us all the details you think are relevant, trying to be as thorough as possible. The smallest detail can be masterfully woven into your personal statement, making it shine.
- A writer gets assigned to your project. For personal statement writing, it will be someone with first-hand experience in this matter, familiar with the expectations of people that will be reading the piece.
- The writer reads the information you provided, taking notes and shaping up the approximate structure of your personal statement. At this point, you will most likely be contacted for further information, to complete the picture.
- The writer creates a rough draft and sends it to you for approval, in case you have anything to add or want something changed.
- Following your approval, the writer produces the final version and proofreads it for errors. As part of our personal statement service, we also run every paper through plagiarism and spell checkers, just to be on the safe side.
- We send you the finished piece and look forward to hearing about the compliments you got on your dazzling personal statement.
Result: you get a well-written, plagiarism and error free, ready-to-be-sent piece that turns you into the perfect candidate.

Writing a personal statement for college: tips
If you decided to do it all by yourself, research is unavoidable. Some universities set out transferrable skills (leadership, time management, problem solving etc.) they are looking for in the applicants - make sure to do your research and find them to work them into your paper, expanding on the most relevant ones.
Your personal statement will consist of three logical parts. In the first section you will speak about why you chose to apply for this course, how it will help you achieve you goals. Well-written introduction is crucial - so you must make it eye-catching to stand out among students just like you. In the middle section, make sure to list the skills that will help you excel, elaborating on how you developed those skills. The third section has to convince the reader you are just what the college is looking for. Make sure to finish strong by writing a single line that perfectly sums up everything you said, making your personal statement memorable.

When you actually write your personal statement, make sure to:
- Be concise, keep things short and make every word count - you will use the allowed 800 words in no time, and there is a lot you need to fit in there.
- Show why you are the one they should pick over the other applicants, leaving no doubt about it.
- Be very specific about your transferrable skills and experiences. Generic phrases will have your application casted aside without a doubt.
- Check the finished piece a few times - first yourself, then with an online spell checker and plagiarism checker. It helps to get a fresh pair of eyes to read it as well.
- Be truthful - everything you write may and will be checked during the interview. Even the least significant of your experiences can sound relevant and impressive if you find the right way to describe them.
These, of course, are just the basics of writing a personal statement. If you firmly decided to write your personal statement all by yourself, make sure to search for more specific guidelines from the university you intend to apply to.