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4 tips for speech writing

We bet you're reading this article because you're very nervous before an upcoming event) Are you very anxious and afraid of slurring your speech? Don't worry. This article will tell you four ways to improve your speech. And if you can't write it yourself with the right message, you can always turn to our authors, who will help with writing speeches: touching, heartfelt (or, on the contrary, professional and confident) speech. 

Know your audience

It would be strange if you came to a seminar on financial analytics and talked about the importance of fitting a saddle to a horse's back. Of course, this is a significant exaggeration, but it is a mandatory task for a speaker to study who will attend your lecture/presentation. 

This way, you can understand what points of influence on the audience are available to you, what phrases and turns of phrase will be correct, and how to catch the attention of the entire audience from the very first seconds. If you know a little bit about marketing, you understand that each TA needs its own approach, separate communication channels, separate theses and appeals.

Start with a strong opening statement

We use different techniques in speech writing so your institution won't notice a catch. Did you notice how this material started? When composing a speech, you also need to have some copywriting knowledge, and one of the techniques is to use so-called copywriting hooks. What are these? These techniques can be completely different and include the following:

  • an interesting headline;
  • a sharp change of perspective in the middle of the text;
  • familiar to the reader/listener turns (those words and phrases used by the CA), and much more.

Interest your listeners from the beginning so they want to listen and pay attention to you without taking their eyes off you. Use jokes, ambiguous phrases, and memes in your presentation (they can sometimes be appropriate). 

Support your thesis with evidence

Remember how, in high school, you were forced to write essays and write down the explanation of your arguments and theses in addition to your arguments and theses? Any fact you say should be backed up to stay in the audience's mind for long. You can reinforce the speech visually – with a presentation. It usually includes statistics, graphs, diagrams, clear and visible infographics, and other elements to help listeners/viewers imagine the picture more accurately. 

Deal with counterarguments

Finished your text, but it's too lean and "about nothing"? Write counterarguments and your response to them. Bloggers on Instagram, for example, often use this method to provoke a reaction from the public. With this approach, your speech will sound more convincing and add emotional coloring to your presentation.

In conclusion, we are engaged in different types of texts. You may buy speeches or order and buy persuasive speeches from our team. EnHelp is a real rescue service for students and those interested in such services. However, we can also write a motivational sheet, a wedding speeches order, or any kind of essay to free up your precious time.

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